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<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad \bigcup_{k=1}^{p} \left ( 0, 1 - \frac{1}{n_p} \right ) = \left ( 0, 1 - \frac{1}{n^*} \right ) \end{align}</math></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad \bigcup_{k=1}^{p} \left ( 0, 1 - \frac{1}{n_p} \right ) = \left ( 0, 1 - \frac{1}{n^*} \right ) \end{align}</math></div>
<p>But for <span class="math-inline"><math>(0, 1) \subseteq \left ( 0, 1 - \frac{1}{n^*} \right )</math></span> we need <span class="math-inline"><math>1 \leq 1 - \frac{1}{n^*}</math></span>. But <span class="math-inline"><math>n^* \in \mathbb{N}</math></span>, so <span class="math-inline"><math>n^* > 0</math></span> and <span class="math-inline"><math>\frac{1}{n^*} > 0</math></span>, so <span class="math-inline"><math>1 - \frac{1}{n^*} < 1</math></span>. Therefore any finite subset <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F^*</math></span> of <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F</math></span> cannot cover <span class="math-inline"><math>S = (0, 1)</math></span>. Hence, <span class="math-inline"><math>(0, 1)</math></span> is not compact.</p>
<p>But for <span class="math-inline"><math>(0, 1) \subseteq \left ( 0, 1 - \frac{1}{n^*} \right )</math></span> we need <span class="math-inline"><math>1 \leq 1 - \frac{1}{n^*}</math></span>. But <span class="math-inline"><math>n^* \in \mathbb{N}</math></span>, so <span class="math-inline"><math>n^* > 0</math></span> and <span class="math-inline"><math>\frac{1}{n^*} > 0</math></span>, so <span class="math-inline"><math>1 - \frac{1}{n^*} < 1</math></span>. Therefore any finite subset <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F^*</math></span> of <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F</math></span> cannot cover <span class="math-inline"><math>S = (0, 1)</math></span>. Hence, <span class="math-inline"><math>(0, 1)</math></span> is not compact.</p>
===Boundedness of Compact Sets in a Metric Space===
<p>Recall that if <span class="math-inline"><math>(M, d)</math></span> is a metric space then a subset <span class="math-inline"><math>S \subseteq M</math></span> is said to be compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span> if for every open covering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> there exists a finite subcovering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span>.</p>
<p>We will now look at a rather important theorem which will tell us that if <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> is a compact subset of <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span> then we can further deduce that <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> is also a bounded subset.</p>
<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;">
<td><strong>Theorem 1:</strong> If <span class="math-inline"><math>(M, d)</math></span> be a metric space and <span class="math-inline"><math>S \subseteq M</math></span> is a compact subset of <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span> then <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> is bounded.</td>
<li><strong>Proof:</strong> For a fixed <span class="math-inline"><math>x_0 \in S</math></span> and for <span class="math-inline"><math>r > 0</math></span>, consider the ball centered at <span class="math-inline"><math>x_0</math></span> with radius <span class="math-inline"><math>r</math></span>, i.e., <span class="math-inline"><math>B(x_0, r)</math></span>. Let <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F</math></span> denote the collection of balls centered at <span class="math-inline"><math>x_0</math></span> with varying radii <span class="math-inline"><math>r > 0</math></span>:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad \mathcal F = \{ B(x_0, r) : r > 0 \} \end{align}</math></div>
<li>It should not be hard to see that <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F</math></span> is an open covering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span>, since for all <span class="math-inline"><math>s \in S</math></span> we have that <span class="math-inline"><math>d(x_0, s) = r_s > 0</math></span>, so <span class="math-inline"><math>s \in B(x_0, r_s) \in \mathcal F</math></span>.</li>
<li>Now since <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> is compact and since <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F</math></span> is an open covering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span>, there exists a finite open subcovering subset <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F^* \subset \mathcal F</math></span> that covers <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span>. Since <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F^*</math></span> is finite, we have that:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad \mathcal F^* = \{ B(x_0, r_1), B(x_0, r_2), ..., B(x_0, r_p) \} \end{align}</math></div>
<li>And by definition <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F^*</math></span> covers <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> so:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad S \subseteq \bigcup_{k=1}^{p} B(x_0, r_k) \end{align}</math></div>
<li>Each of the open balls in the open subcovering <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F^*</math></span> is centered at <span class="math-inline"><math>x_0</math></span> with <span class="math-inline"><math>r_1, r_2, ..., r_p > 0</math></span>. Since the set <span class="math-inline"><math>\{ r_1, r_2, ..., r_p \}</math></span> is a finite set, there exists a maximum value. Let:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad r_{\mathrm{max}} = \max \{ r_1, r_2, ..., r_p \} \end{align}</math></div>
<li>Then for all <span class="math-inline"><math>k \in \{ 1, 2, ..., p \}</math></span> we have that <span class="math-inline"><math>B(x_0, r_k) \subseteq B(x_0, r_{\mathrm{max}})</math></span> and therefore:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad S \subseteq \bigcup_{k=1}^{p} B(x_0, r_k) = B(x_0, r_{\mathrm{max}}) \end{align}</math></div>
<li>Hence <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> is bounded. <span class="math-inline"><math>\blacksquare</math></span></li>
===Basic Theorems Regarding Compact Sets in a Metric Space===
<p>Recall that if <span class="math-inline"><math>(M, d)</math></span> is a metric space then a set <span class="math-inline"><math>S \subseteq M</math></span> is said to be compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span> if for every open covering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> there exists a finite subcovering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span>.</p>
<p>We will now look at some theorems regarding compact sets in a metric space.</p>
<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;">
<td><strong>Theorem 1:</strong> Let <span class="math-inline"><math>(M, d)</math></span> be a metric space and let <span class="math-inline"><math>S, T \subseteq M</math></span>. Then if <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> is closed and <span class="math-inline"><math>T</math></span> is compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span> then <span class="math-inline"><math>S \cap T</math></span> is compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>.</td>
<li><strong>Proof:</strong> Let <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> be closed and let <span class="math-inline"><math>T</math></span> be compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>. Notice that:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad S \cap T \subseteq T \end{align}</math></div>
<li>Furthermore, <span class="math-inline"><math>S \cap T</math></span> is closed. This is because <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> is given as closed, and since <span class="math-inline"><math>T</math></span> is compact we know that <span class="math-inline"><math>T</math></span> is closed (and bounded). So the finite intersection <span class="math-inline"><math>S \cap T</math></span> is closed. But any closed subset of a compact set is also compact, so <span class="math-inline"><math>S \cap T</math></span> is compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>. <span class="math-inline"><math>\blacksquare</math></span></li>
<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;">
<td><strong>Theorem 2:</strong> Let <span class="math-inline"><math>(M, d)</math></span> be a metric space and let <span class="math-inline"><math>S_1, S_2, ..., S_n \subseteq M</math></span> be a finite collection of compact sets in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>. Then <span class="math-inline"><math>\displaystyle{\bigcup_{i=1}^{n} S_i}</math></span> is also compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>.</td>
<li><strong>Proof:</strong> Let <span class="math-inline"><math>S_1, S_2, ..., S_n \subseteq M</math></span> be a finite collection of compact sets in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>. Consider the union <span class="math-inline"><math>S = \bigcup_{i=1}^{n} S_i</math></span> and let <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F</math></span> be any open covering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span>, that is:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad S \subseteq \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal F} A \end{align}</math></div>
<li>Now since <span class="math-inline"><math>S_i \subseteq S</math></span> for all <span class="math-inline"><math>i \in \{1, 2, ..., n \}</math></span> we see that <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F</math></span> is also an open covering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> and so there exists a finite subcollection <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F_i \subseteq \mathcal F</math></span> that also covers <span class="math-inline"><math>S_i</math></span>, i.e.:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad S_i \subseteq \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal F_i} A \end{align}</math></div>
<li>Let <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F^* = \bigcup_{i=1}^{n} \mathcal F_i</math></span>. Then <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F^*</math></span> is finite since it is equal to a finite union of finite sets. Furthermore:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad S = \bigcup_{i=1}^{n} S_i \subseteq \bigcup_{i=1}^{n} \left ( \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal F_i} A \right ) = \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal F^*} A \end{align}</math></div>
<li>So <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F^* \subseteq \mathcal F</math></span> is a finite open subcovering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span>. So for all open coverings <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal F</math></span> of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span> there exists a finite open subcovering of <span class="math-inline"><math>S</math></span>, so <span class="math-inline"><math>\displaystyle{S = \bigcup_{i=1}^{n} S_i}</math></span> is compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>. <span class="math-inline"><math>\blacksquare</math></span></li>
<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;">
<td><strong>Theorem 3:</strong> Let <span class="math-inline"><math>(M, d)</math></span> be a metric space and let <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal C</math></span> be an arbitrary collection of compact sets in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>. Then <span class="math-inline"><math>\displaystyle{\bigcap_{C \in \mathcal C} C}</math></span> is also compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>.</td>
<li><strong>Proof:</strong> Let <span class="math-inline"><math>\mathcal C</math></span> be an arbitrary collection of compact sets in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>. Notice that for all <span class="math-inline"><math>C \in \mathcal C</math></span> that:</li>
<div style="text-align: center;"><math>\begin{align} \quad \bigcap_{C \in \mathcal C} C \subseteq C \end{align}</math></div>
<li>Furthermore, since each <span class="math-inline"><math>C \in \mathcal C</math></span> is compact, then each <span class="math-inline"><math>C</math></span> is closed (and bounded). An arbitrary intersection of closed sets is closed, and so <span class="math-inline"><math>\displaystyle{\bigcap_{C \in \mathcal C}}</math></span> is a closed subset of the compact set <span class="math-inline"><math>C</math></span>. Therefore by the theorem referenced earlier, <span class="math-inline"><math>\displaystyle{\bigcap_{C \in \mathcal C} C}</math></span> is compact in <span class="math-inline"><math>M</math></span>. <span class="math-inline"><math>\blacksquare</math></span></li>
Content obtained and/or adapted from:
* [http://mathonline.wikidot.com/compact-sets-in-a-metric-space Compact Sets in a Metric Space, mathonline.wikidot.com] under a CC BY-SA license
* [http://mathonline.wikidot.com/boundedness-of-compact-sets-in-a-metric-space Boundedness of Compact Sets in a Metric Space, mathonline.wikidot.com] under a CC BY-SA license
* [http://mathonline.wikidot.com/basic-theorems-regarding-compact-sets-in-a-metric-space Basic Theorems Regarding Compact Sets in a Metric Space, mathonline.wikidot.com] under a CC BY-SA license

Latest revision as of 13:56, 9 November 2021

Compact Sets in a Metric Space

If is a metric space and then a cover or covering of is a collection of subsets in such that:

Furthermore, we said that an open cover (or open covering) is simply a cover that contains only open sets.

We also said that a subset is a subcover/subcovering (or open subcover/subcovering if is an open covering) if is also a cover of , that is:

We can now define the concept of a compact set using the definitions above.

Definition: Let be a metric space. The subset is said to be Compact if every open covering of has a finite subcovering of .

In general, it may be more difficult to show that a subset of a metric space is compact than to show a subset of a metric space is not compact. So, let's look at an example of a subset of a metric space that is not compact.

Consider the metric space where is the Euclidean metric and consider the set . We claim that this set is not compact. To show that is not compact, we need to find an open covering of that does not have a finite subcovering. Consider the following open covering:

Clearly is an infinite subcovering of and furthermore:

Let be a finite subset of containing elements. Then:

Let . Then due to the nesting of the open covering , we see that:

But for we need . But , so and , so . Therefore any finite subset of cannot cover . Hence, is not compact.

Boundedness of Compact Sets in a Metric Space

Recall that if is a metric space then a subset is said to be compact in if for every open covering of there exists a finite subcovering of .

We will now look at a rather important theorem which will tell us that if is a compact subset of then we can further deduce that is also a bounded subset.

Theorem 1: If be a metric space and is a compact subset of then is bounded.

  • Proof: For a fixed and for , consider the ball centered at with radius , i.e., . Let denote the collection of balls centered at with varying radii :
  • It should not be hard to see that is an open covering of , since for all we have that , so .
  • Now since is compact and since is an open covering of , there exists a finite open subcovering subset that covers . Since is finite, we have that:
  • And by definition covers so:
  • Each of the open balls in the open subcovering is centered at with . Since the set is a finite set, there exists a maximum value. Let:
  • Then for all we have that and therefore:
  • Hence is bounded.

Basic Theorems Regarding Compact Sets in a Metric Space

Recall that if is a metric space then a set is said to be compact in if for every open covering of there exists a finite subcovering of .

We will now look at some theorems regarding compact sets in a metric space.

Theorem 1: Let be a metric space and let . Then if is closed and is compact in then is compact in .

  • Proof: Let be closed and let be compact in . Notice that:
  • Furthermore, is closed. This is because is given as closed, and since is compact we know that is closed (and bounded). So the finite intersection is closed. But any closed subset of a compact set is also compact, so is compact in .

Theorem 2: Let be a metric space and let be a finite collection of compact sets in . Then is also compact in .

  • Proof: Let be a finite collection of compact sets in . Consider the union and let be any open covering of , that is:
  • Now since for all we see that is also an open covering of and so there exists a finite subcollection that also covers , i.e.:
  • Let . Then is finite since it is equal to a finite union of finite sets. Furthermore:
  • So is a finite open subcovering of . So for all open coverings of there exists a finite open subcovering of , so is compact in .

Theorem 3: Let be a metric space and let be an arbitrary collection of compact sets in . Then is also compact in .

  • Proof: Let be an arbitrary collection of compact sets in . Notice that for all that:
  • Furthermore, since each is compact, then each is closed (and bounded). An arbitrary intersection of closed sets is closed, and so is a closed subset of the compact set . Therefore by the theorem referenced earlier, is compact in .


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