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Recall that an operation on is said to be associative if for all we have that and is said to be commutative if for all we have that .

An element is the identity element of under if for all we have that and .

We can now begin to describe our first type of algebraic structures known as groups, which are a set equipped with a binary operation that is associative, contains an identity element, and contains inverse elements under for each element in .

Definition: A Group is a pair where is a set and is a binary operation on with the following properties:

1. For all , (Associativity of ).
2. There exists an such that for all , and (The existence of an Identity Element).
3. For all there exists an such that and (The existence of inverses).

Furthermore, if is a finite set then the group is said to be a Finite Group and if is an infinite set then the group is said to be an Infinite Group. More generally, the Order of (or **Size of ) is the size of and is denoted .

When we use the multiplication symbol to denote the operation on , we often call a “multiplicative group”. When the operation of the group is instead denoted by (instead of ) then we often call an “additive group”, and we write the inverse of each as (instead of ).

Some of the sets and binary operations we have already seen can be considered groups. For example, is a group under standard addition since the sum of any two real numbers is a real number, , is associative, an additive identity exists and inverse elements exist for every (namely ).

Furthermore, is also a group under the operation of standard addition since the sum of any two integers is an integer, addition is associative, the additivity identity is , and for all we have as additive inverses.

We will examine many other (more interesting) groups later on, but for now, let's look at an example of a set and a binary operation that does NOT form a group.

Example 1

Consider the set of integers and define for all by:

(Where the on the righthand side is usual addition of numbers). We will show that is NOT a group by showing that is not associative. Let . Then is not associative since:

Clearly so does not form a group under the operation .

Basic Theorems Regarding Groups

A group is a set with a binary operation such that:

  • 1) is associative, i.e., for all , .
  • 2) There exists an identity element such that for all .
  • 3) For each there exists an such that .

We will now look at some rather basic results regarding groups which we can derive from the group axioms above.

Proposition 1: Let be a group and let be the identity for this group. Then:

a) The identity element is unique.
b) For each , the corresponding inverse is unique.
c) For each , .
d) For all , .
e) For all , if then and .

f) If then .

  • Proof of a) Suppose that and are both identities for . Then:
  • Therefore so the identity for is unique.
  • Proof of b) Suppose that and are both inverses for under . Then:
  • Therefore so the inverse for is unique.
  • Proof of c) Let . Then is the inverse to . However, the inverse to is and by (b) we have shown that the inverse of each element in is unique. Therefore .
  • Proof of d) If we apply the operation between and we get:
  • Therefore the inverse of is . We also have that the invere of is . By (b), the inverse of is unique and so:
  • Proof of e) Suppose that . Then:
  • Similarly:
  • Proof of f) Suppose that . Then:
  • Hence . Alternatively we see that if then the inverse of with respect to is , that is . Multiplying both sides of this equation by gives us that .

Subgroups and Group Extensions

Definition: Let be a group. If and forms a group under the same operation then is said to be a Subgroup of . If is a subgroup of then we write .

Definition: Let be a group. If is a group such that then is said to be a Group Extension of .

For example, consider the group of complex numbers under the operation of standard addition, . We know that the set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers, that is, and so the group of real numbers under the operation of standard addition, is a subgroup of and is a group extension of .

We will now look at a nice theorem which tells us that to determine if is a subgroup of where , that then we only need to check two of the four group axioms for verification

Theorem 1: If is a group with the identity and then is a subgroup of if and only if is closed under and for all there exists an such that and .

  • Proof: Let be a group with the identity of and let .
  • Suppose that is a subgroup of . Then by definition, is a group itself and satisfies all of the group axioms - namely that is closed under the operation and that for all there exists an such that and .
  • Now suppose that is closed under and that for all there exists an such that and . These are precisely two of the group axioms we have looked at, and to show that is a subgroup of we only need to show that the other two axioms hold.
  • First suppose that and that , that is, suppose that is not associative on . Since we must have that for this particular which contradicts the associativity of on the group . Hence must actually be associative on .
  • Now since is closed under and for there exists an such that and we must have that and furthermore, and .
  • Therefore is a group, and in particular since we have that is a subgroup of .

Theorem 2: If is a group with the identity of and then is a subgroup of if and only if and for all we have that .

  • Proof: If is a subgroup of then this direction is trivial.
  • Suppose that and for all we have that . Since there exists an . So .
  • Now if , then since we have that . So if then .
  • Lastly, if then . Thus . So is closed under the operation . Thus is a subgroup of .

Order of an element in a group

Definition: Let be a group and let . The Order of denoted by or is the smallest positive integer such that (where is the identity element of ). If no such exists then is said to have order .

If the operation is multiplicative in nature then we usually define the order of as above. If the operation is instead additive in nature then we define the order of as the smallest positive integer such that or if no such positive integer exists.

Example 1

If is any group with identity then the order of is .

Example 2

Consider the group where is defined for all to be:

The order of is trivially . The order of is since:

The order of is also . In fact, the orders of and are also .

Example 3

Consider the group where is defined for all to be:

You should verify that the order of is , the order of is , the order of is , the order of is , the order of is , and the order of is

Example 4

Consider the group . Then every nonzero has order infinity since the equation , , has no solution in .

Example 5

Consider the group . The order of is since .

Basic Theorems Regarding the Order of Elements in a Group

Proposition 1: Let be a group. Then:

a) if and only if where is the identity element of .
b) If then .

c) If then . _

  • Proof of a) Suppose that . Then . So .
  • The smallest positive integer such that is . So .
  • Proof of b) Let . Suppose that has finite order, say . Then is the smallest positive integer such that . So . So . If then implies that , and since we have arrived at a contradiction. Thus .
  • Now suppose that has infinite order. If has finite order, say then implies that - contradicting having infinite order. Thus must also have infinite order.
  • Proof of c) Let . First, suppose that . Then is the smallest positive integer such that . So . Now observe that:
  • Therefore . But , so . Thus . So .
  • By symmetry, we see that . Thus .
  • Now suppose that is infinite. If then . By the same argument above, we see that - contradicting having infinite order. Thus is infinite.


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