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* Calculate the work done in pumping a liquid from one height to another.
* Calculate the work done in pumping a liquid from one height to another.
* Find the hydrostatic force against a submerged vertical plate.
* Find the hydrostatic force against a submerged vertical plate.
|Week 5
<div style="text-align: center;">2.6</div>
[[Moments and Center of Mass]]
* [[Toolkit Functions|Graphing elementary functions]] <!-- 1073-Mod 1.2 -->
* [[The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus]] <!-- 1214-5.3 -->
* [[Integration by Substitution]] <!-- 1224-1.5 -->
* Find the center of mass of objects distributed along a line.
* Find the center of mass of objects distributed in a plane.
* Locate the center of mass of a thin plate.
* Use symmetry to help locate the centroid of a thin plate.

Revision as of 09:24, 17 May 2024

Topics List

Date Sections Topics Prerequisite Skills Student Learning Outcomes
Week 1

Integration by Substitution

  • Recognize when to use integration by substitution.
  • Use substitution to evaluate indefinite integrals.
  • Use substitution to evaluate definite integrals.
Week 2

Area between Curves

  • Determine the area of a region between two curves by integrating with respect to the independent variable.
  • Find the area of a compound region.
  • Determine the area of a region between two curves by integrating with respect to the dependent variable.
Week 2

Determining Volumes by Slicing

  • Determine the volume of a solid by integrating a cross-section (the slicing method).
  • Find the volume of a solid of revolution using the disk method.
  • Find the volume of a solid of revolution with a cavity using the washer method.

Week 3

Volumes of Revolution, Cylindrical Shells

  • Calculate the volume of a solid of revolution by using the method of cylindrical shells.
  • Compare the different methods for calculating a volume of revolution.
Week 3

Arc Length and Surface Area

  • Determine the length of a plane curve between two points.
  • Find the surface area of a solid of revolution.
Week 4

Physical Applications

  • Determine the mass of a one-dimensional object from its linear density function.
  • Determine the mass of a two-dimensional circular object from its radial density function.
  • Calculate the work done by a variable force acting along a line.
  • Calculate the work done in stretching/compressing a spring.
  • Calculate the work done in lifting a rope/cable.
  • Calculate the work done in pumping a liquid from one height to another.
  • Find the hydrostatic force against a submerged vertical plate.

Week 5-6

Integration by Parts

  • Recognize when to use integration by parts.
  • Use the integration-by-parts formula to evaluate indefinite integrals.
  • Use the integration-by-parts formula to evaluate definite integrals.
  • Use the tabular method to perform integration by parts.
  • Solve problems involving applications of integration using integration by parts.

Week 6

Trigonometric Integrals

  • Evaluate integrals involving products and powers of sin(x) and cos(x).
  • Evaluate integrals involving products and powers of sec(x) and tan(x).
  • Evaluate integrals involving products of sin(ax), sin(bx), cos(ax), and cos(bx).
  • Solve problems involving applications of integration using trigonometric integrals.

Week 6-7

Trigonometric Substitution

  • Evaluate integrals involving the square root of a sum or difference of two squares.
  • Solve problems involving applications of integration using trigonometric substitution.

Week 7

Partial Fractions

  • Integrate a rational function whose denominator is a product of linear and quadratic polynomials.
  • Recognize distinct linear factors in a rational function.
  • Recognize repeated linear factors in a rational function.
  • Recognize distinct irreducible quadratic factors in a rational function.
  • Recognize repeated irreducible quadratic factors in a rational function.
  • Solve problems involving applications of integration using partial fractions.
Week 8

Improper Integrals

  • Recognize improper integrals and determine their convergence or divergence.
  • Evaluate an integral over an infinite interval.
  • Evaluate an integral over a closed interval with an infinite discontinuity within the interval.
  • Use the comparison theorem to determine whether an improper integral is convergent or divergent.
Week 9


  • Find a formula for the general term of a sequence.
  • Find a recursive definition of a sequence.
  • Determine the convergence or divergence of a given sequence.
  • Find the limit of a convergent sequence.
  • Determine whether a sequence is bounded and/or monotone.
  • Apply the Monotone Convergence Theorem.
Week 10

Infinite Series

  • Write an infinite series using sigma notation.
  • Find the nth partial sum of an infinite series.
  • Define the convergence or divergence of an infinite series.
  • Identify a geometric series.
  • Apply the Geometric Series Test.
  • Find the sum of a convergent geometric series.
  • Identify a telescoping series.
  • Find the sum of a telescoping series.
Week 10-11

The Divergence and Integral Tests

  • Use the Divergence Test to determine whether a series diverges.
  • Use the Integral Test to determine whether a series converges or diverges.
  • Use the p-Series Test to determine whether a series converges or diverges.
  • Estimate the sum of a series by finding bounds on its remainder term.
Week 11

Comparison Tests

  • Use the Direct Comparison Test to determine whether a series converges or diverges.
  • Use the Limit Comparison Test to determine whether a series converges or diverges.
Week 12

Alternating Series

  • Use the Alternating Series Test to determine the convergence of an alternating series.
  • Estimate the sum of an alternating series.
  • Explain the meaning of absolute convergence and conditional convergence.

Week 12

Ratio and Root Tests

  • Use the Ratio Test to determine absolute convergence or divergence of a series.
  • Use the Root Test to determine absolute convergence or divergence of a series.
  • Describe a strategy for testing the convergence or divergence of a series.
Week 13

Power Series and Functions

  • Identify a power series.
  • Determine the interval of convergence and radius of convergence of a power series.
  • Use a power series to represent certain functions.
Week 14

Properties of Power Series

  • Combine power series by addition or subtraction.
  • Multiply two power series together.
  • Differentiate and integrate power series term-by-term.
  • Use differentiation and integration of power series to represent certain functions as power series.
Week 15

Taylor and Maclaurin Series

  • Find a Taylor or Maclaurin series representation of a function.
  • Find the radius of convergence of a Taylor Series or Maclaurin series.
  • Finding a Taylor polynomial of a given order for a function.
  • Use Taylor's Theorem to estimate the remainder for a Taylor series approximation of a given function.